UHPC wear protection for a cement separator

At the end of this year we have once again got an order for the delivery of a UHPC wear protection lining for a Polysius (yes, I know it's different today but I'm old fashion) SEPOL cement classifier plus cyclones.

As far as I can understand 56 SEPOL classifier are worldwide provided with UHPC wear protection.
Likewise, all FLSmidth SEPAX separators are provided with a UHPC wear protection lining FLSmidth is the global leader for cement plant engineering and manufacture of cement plant components. It would now have to be over 60 SEPAX separators lined.

At both manufacturers not only the separators but also the associated cyclones are completely lined with a 20 mm to 40 mm lining thickness of UHPC wear protection. The installation work are usually carried out by local contractors.

If the installation work are carried out correctly, lifetimes of up to 15 years are achieved.
It can be assumed that almost all modern cement plants around the world are provided with UHPC wear protection linings.

